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Sense and Sensibility

- Wissen ist Tanzbar


Contemporary dance Production from : 

HW.Mischnick Dance Crossover( Germany Rostock)


Choreographer: Hung-Wen Mischnick

Performer : Hung-Wen Mischnick , Annemarie Nack , Tim Grambow

Musician: Victor Moïse


The piece „Sense and Sensibility“ is expected to have a duration of about 55 minutes and the plan is to involve two dancers (professional and amateur area), one musicians and one visual effect artist. An overview of the expected timeframe will be listed below. 

Content of the piece: 


The basic idea is to create a piece, that illuminates different facets of the encounter of the two broad terms SENSE and SENSIBILITY. Regarding the pure definition of both terms we come to the following conclusions: 

Senses enable the human being to logical and analytical thoughts as well as to forming expressions and conclusions. During this process, the sense acts sharp and edgy without respecting the emotions and feelings of another human being. Sensibility is regarded a psychic movement that leads people to actions that are mainly characterised by emotions and intuition without respecting logical thoughts. This action is actually touching peoples hearts but mostly lacks structure and deeper sense. But in fact, in reality Sense and Sensibility have to act together like clock wheels and each situation in life requires an equilibrium of the both. 

To combine two contrarily terms to one compromise offers many inspirational aspects and also a challenge which I want to accept and realise in my piece. 

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