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The Toy / Das Spielzeug - have a look 4 /2017






Choreographer: Hung-Wen Mischnick

Performers : Hung-Wen Mischnick , Larissa Potapov ,Tim Grambow


About my work:


When I was a child, I had a beloved toy. One day his head was accidentally lost. I was very sad, and I remember having an adult saying to me, "his head will grow again." 

I was convinced that this sentence was true, and I had a lot of fantasy of this toy. Later, I realized that this was really just a “fantasy”.


When I was a child, I felt that all the dreams are possible. But when I grow up, I found the world is really different. 

Although you will be more clear in distinguish true and false, sometimes people are lost on their way and stagnant. 

Sometimes, I just want to go back to that artless and worry-free childhood.

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